
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Dehydration and Rehydration, learn about how many litter body needeveryday

Dehydration occurs when the amount of water leaving the body is greater than the amount being taken in. 

In a normal day, a person has to drink a significant amount of water to replace this routine loss. 

The Table below illustrates the amount of water each body needs in accordance to its Weight and heigh :

If you would like to calculate your body weight and daily fluid requirements using the metric system, please use this formula. 

For the first 10kg (kilogram) of body weight the daily fluid intake required is 100cc per kg. 

For the next 10kg of body weight, the fluid required is an additional 50 cc/kg.

For every additional kg of body weight, an additional 10cc/kg 

For example,  your weight is 100 kg.  
1st 10 kg  *100cc,= one litter 
2nd 10 kg * 50 cc = 500cc 
The rest is 80 kg *10 cc = 800cc 
1000+500+800 = 2300 cc  that's mean your body need at least 2.3 litters to hydrat your body 

If it's still not clear please ask again.  
The body is able to monitor the amount of fluid it needs to function. The thirst mechanism signals the body to drink water when the body is dry. As well, hormones like anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) work with the kidney to limit the amount of water lost in the urine when the body needs to conserve water.

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