* Are you looking for a fairly painless way to lose weight?
* Do you like to have your healthy meal without depriving yourself from so many things?
Say yes yes yes
If you said yes, then here is the new solution for you: Put yourself on a regular sleep schedule.
People who maintain an unvarying sleep routine have a lower percentage of body fat than those who keep irregular sleep hours.
New study shows that if you Getting less than 6.5 hours of sleep and more than 8.5 hours of sleep was linked to higher body fat
High quality sleep was associated with lower body fat while poor sleep correlated with higher body fat
Waking and going to sleep at the same time every day (particularly a consistent wake time) was most strongly linked with lower body fat.
Study shows that The difference in body weight was greater with more variation in sleep pattern. Women whose sleep patterns varied by 90 minutes a night had higher body fat than those whose sleep varied by 60 minutes or less on average. Body fat also varied with sleep quantity; women who slept between 8 and 8.5 hours a night had the lowest body fat. The greatest effect at all was seen in women who woke up at the same time every morning seven days a week.