
Saturday, July 30, 2016



                     Five SIGNS WILL TELL YOU :


A true friend would never leave you just because you’re going through a rough patch – they would stick by your side and help you through the darkness. A clear sign of a true friend is that he or she will laugh with you during the great times, and cry with you during the bad ones. In today’s world of flaky, fake friendships, cherish those who aren’t just fair-weather friends. These are the people you will want to keep in your life, as they are definitely genuine friends who want the best for you and care about your well-being.


In our list of signs of a true friend, we couldn’t skip over the fact that a real friend will allow you to be whoever you want to be, without judgment. True friends don’t ask you to change the parts of yourself that even you can’t accept – they embrace you anyway, flaws and all. They put your insecurities to rest, and actually find beauty in your imperfections. A true friend will love and adore you for whatever you identify with, and will admire you for both your strengths and weaknesses.
True friends don’t place conditions on your friendships – they let you come as you are, and don’t put any pressure on you or the relationship.


A true friend will not just let you go through tough times alone – they will drop whatever they’re doing to assist you in hard times. True friends don’t just leave those they love out in the cold; they pick them up off the ground, dust them off, and carry them back to safety once again. A true friend understands that you can’t possibly deal with all of life’s trials and tribulations by yourself, so they have your back no matter what.


Real friends never blow you off or tell you they’re too busy to see you. While they might have to rearrange their schedule a bit, a true friend will never use lack of time or energy as an excuse to avoid hanging out. A clear sign of a true friend is that they always seem to follow through with their promises and see you no matter how busy their life gets.
They don’t allow life to take over and just toss you aside when things get hectic for them; they include you in their life, and set aside specific times each week to catch up with you.


Another sign of a true friendship is that both of you can feel at ease around one another. You don’t have to fake a laugh or force conversation; things just seem to flow effortlessly between you two, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. A true friend doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable or scared to open up; real friends open their arms and hearts to you, and put down their walls to let you in.
You can tell each other anything and not have to censor yourselves; after all, what would friendship be if you constantly had to monitor the things you say? A real friend would never want you to hold back your thoughts and feelings, and encourage you to share whatever is on your mind. You can act silly and let your guard down, and not have to think twice about doing so. 

Friday, July 29, 2016

Seven Foods You Should Not Put In The Fridge

Putting these foods into the fridge won’t cause you any harm; however, it can certainly cause a nuisance for your palate as textures and tastes become ruined. To avoid removing the taste from your food, here are some foods you shouldn’t put into the fridge.

Putting tomatoes in the fridge will stop them from ripening and kill their flavour, placing tomatoes in the fridge changes their chemical structure and reduces the amount of volatiles compounds in the fruit, which affects their flavour. A tomato’s texture and colour can also be affected by cold temperatures and “chilling injuries” caused by temperatures below 5C can  leave the fruit soft and pitted on the surface. 

Putting ripe bananas in the fridge will help them stay ripe for a few days – but if you put them in while they are still a bit green and hard then they won’t ripen at all. Not even after you take them out of the fridge. And their skin will turn black.
Bananas are a tropical fruit and have no natural defence against the cold in their cell walls. These become ruptured by cold temperatures, causing the fruits’ digestive enzymes to leak out of the cells, which is what causes the banana’s skin to turn completely black .

If onions are unpeeled then they need a cool dry storage place with lots of air ventilation, not a cold refrigerator.
the only times onions should go in the fridge is if they are bought peeled or pre-cut, or “when trying to extend the shelf life of sweet or mild onion varieties with high water content”. These, however, need to be kept on a low humidity setting to keep them dry. Onions that have been cut can be kept in a sealed container for up to seven days. 

The refrigerator is “really bad” for bread,  While freezing bread can seriously stall the process that makes bread stale, putting a loaf in the fridge will speed it up. Essentially, the cool temperature causes the starch to crystalize far more rapidly than at room temperature, speeding up the process that makes bread hard and stale.

Putting garlic in the fridge or in plastic bags can make it go mouldy. The best way to store garlic  is to keep it “at room temperature in a dry, dark place that has ample air circulation” with little light to avoid the bulbs sprouting.

Find a 1000 year old jar of honey, and it’ll be as fresh as the day it was put into that jar–honey a naturally preserved food. Putting honey into the fridge will increase the speed of the sugar crystallization which turns it into an almost dough-like form, making for a hard time to scoop out.

I’m not sure if this is classified as a food so much as a food ingredient, but nonetheless, putting oils into the fridge tends to turn them into a stodgy, almost butter-spread-like consistency. This is more common with olive and coconut oils, which tend to solidify at cooler temperatures and take a long time to become liquid again. ( If you do make this mistake, put the oil into the microwave for a quick burst to get the consistency back).

Thursday, July 28, 2016

قصة مؤثره جدا لام امريكيه مسلمه توقف قلب ابنها لمده 10 دقائق فقد الاطباء الامل ولكن الام لم تفقد الامل

قصة حقيقة حصلت في مستشفى في امريكا مع ام لطفل يعاني من فشل كلوي ، عمر الطفل سنتين ، ولد بمشكله بالكلى لام له مسلمه الاب مسلم بالوراثه والزوجه اسلمت قبل 7 سنوات وتزوجت بعد سنه من اسلامها وانجبت طفلين الاول سليم وصحيح والطفل الاخر ولد بعيب في الكلى ، تصرف الاب بعدم مسؤليه واتهم الام انها هي السبب في ذلك ولم يكتفي بذلك بل في مرض ابنه الشديد اتى لممستشفى ووبخ الام لذهابها للمستشفى ، وفي ذلك اليوم توقف قلب الطفل المسكين لمده 10 دقائق حتى فقد الاطباء الامل في انفاذ الطفل ، في تلك الاوقات كانت الام تصلي وتدعو الله ان يشفي لها ولدها ، اتى الاطباء وقالو لا نستطيع عمل اي شيء الطفل توفى ، ولكن الام رفضت وحملت طفلها بين زراعيها وبدات تصلي وتصلي وتطلب من الله ان يرجع لها طفلها ، وما هي الا لحظه ونفس رجع الطفل للحياه ، كل من في المستشفى ضج فرحا البعض استغرب والبعض الاخر قال انها معجزه ، فرحت الام ورجعت للصلاه لشكر الله .

مع كل الظروف التي مرت بها من تخلي الزوج عنها وعن طفلها وحتى الاطباء لم تفقد الامل توجهت لرب الناس ولم يردها خائبه .

توجه لله فهو لن يردك خائبا ابدا ، مهما مرت عليك من امور تعجزيه اعلم ان الله ينتظر سؤالك وطلبك منه الرحمه والمغفره وتصحبح الامور والمساعده والعون ، لا تطلب من العباد بل اطلب من رب العباد ، عندما يتخلى عنك البشر توجه لخالق البشر .

Sunday, July 24, 2016

تعلم فحص الضغط بالمنزل بالطريقه الطبيه الصحيحه

كيفية فحص ضغط الدم في المنزل :
ضغط الدم من امراض العصر ولا يخلو اي منزل من مرض ارتفاع الضغط ، ولذلك وجب علينا تعلم فحص الضغط  في المنزل بالطريقه الصحيحه وتجنب الذهاب للطبيب لمجرد فحص الضغط . اليكم الطريقه الامثل . 

يلزمك جهاز ضغط من النوع الجيد اكان ذلك زئبقي او عادي ، سماعه طبيه من النوع العادي . 
ضع الجهاز بنفس مستوى القلب والشخص مستلقي ام جالس. بعد ذلك لف قطعه القماش على الكوع كما هو موضح بالصوره وبعدها ضع السماعه تحت القطعه ، اقفل المحبس وبعد ذلك اضغط وارفع الموشر حتى يصل 180 وبعد ذلك نزل المؤشر ببطء وحاول سماع النبضه الاولى وبذلك تكون وصلت الى القراءه الاولى استمر في فتح المحبس حتى يذهب صوت ضربات القلب وبذلك تكون وصلت للقراءه الثانيه . وبعد ازيل الجهاز وسجل القراءه وهي قيمه ضغط الدم لديك لمعرفه هل الضغط طبيعي ام مرتفع . 

ضغط الدم الطبيعي هو 120 /80  او 110 / 70  او 130 /90 
اذا كان ضغط الدم اعلى من 139 / 90 فانت تحتاج لمراقبه ضغطك والتقيل من الملح والندخين والضغط النفسي 
اما اذا كتن ضغطك 140 / 100 فانت بحاجه لزياره الطبيب لمتابعه الضغط 
اذا كان ضغطك 100 /60 فهذا يعني ان ضغطك منخفض وتذا كتن مصحوب بدوخه وصداع او ارهاق فيجب رفع الضغط بالمخلل او القليل من الملح مع البندوره لرفع الضغط . 

Things we do that make us less respected from others , dont do them to be loved by others


There is no doubt that some competition is good ,in the right environment and at the right time. Constantly comparing ourselves to other people, however, is unnecessary. Pressuring others to compete with us when is uncalled for and downright rude.
Why is this unattractive? Because nobody wants to be around someone that is constantly seeking recognition. Success and failure means different things to different people.
Instead, seek to achieve goals for personal reasons, or limit the competition to areas of life (work, sports, etc.) that are appropriate.Remember, goals and achievement should bring about a sense of personal fulfillment, not used as a reason to feel superior to others.


This is a no-brainer: people don’t find rude people attractive. Being polite and cordial is a necessity for any kind of productive relationship. Rude people for some reason don’t see an issue with constantly scrutinizing others – and therefore aren’t attractive to many.
it’s not difficult to be moderately respectful to others. As such, there really is no excuse to regularly act rude. No surprise that most people are repulsed by such behavior.
Even if you we don’t “like” someone, we can still be respectful towards that person. If a situation arises that may cause conflict, simply walk away. There is no need to exacerbate conflict when it can be avoided.


Ever known someone that thinks, for no particular reason, that they are better than everyone else? If so, what did you think about them? Most likely, you didn’t have a favorable opinion.
Someone that looks down on others is unattractive in the worst way. Who wants to be acquainted with such people?
To counteract this, we should remember that each one of us is a human being with different strengths and weaknesses. Odds are that we are more adept in some areas of our lives than others. We’re also likely to have weaknesses that others do not have. Regardless, we shouldn’t be judgmental towards ourselves or others for perceived strengths or weaknesses.
Here’s an experiment: loudly complain about something in public and watch the expressions of people around you. Yes – that is real disdain on their face.
Not only is obnoxious complaining repulsively unattractive, it’s completely pointless. Unless you’re being served somewhere (e.g. a restaurant or bar) and receiving poor service, there are few other reasons to lob complaints.
Instead, seek to have a constructive dialogue with someone. Leave the petty complaints and unproductive banter at home. Complaining will accomplish nothing except increase hostility.


Interrupting someone is disrespectful and abrasive. As far as behaviors go, interrupting someone is one of the most surefire ways to kill any chances of a relationship. Why would anyone be attracted to a person that is always inserting themselves into a dialogue or a situation without invitation?
Again…it’s as simple as practicing common courtesy. We should all understand by now how to exercise elementary levels of self-control.
To reverse this habit may be difficult – at least initially. To better ourselves in this respect requires us to be more conscientious of others. When someone is exercising their right to speak, simply let them finish. If needed, watch their mouth to determine when they’re finished making their point. Also, leave others alone that appear to be in the middle of something.


We expect to be listened to and others expect us to reciprocate. It’s simply unacceptable (and unattractive) to not listen when someone else is attempting to speak.

Here’s another experiment: when someone is talking – in a meeting, at a table, etc. – look around at what other people are doing. Odds are there will be at least one or two that are shuffling in their chairs, looking at their phones, or chit-chatting with someone else. RUDE!
this may be a difficult habit to break. The simplest and most effective way to listen well is to make eye contact while resisting the urge to do something else. Again…easier said than done. Over time, however, the practice of effective listening will become second nature.


Pretty self-evident here – nobody wants to be around someone who is constantly stirring up trouble. So, why do some people insist on doing just that? The answer: attention.
Instead of attention, that person is more likely to invoke feelings of disdain. In fact, instead of garnering attention, the rational folks will probably just ignore the busybody in the room.
To reverse this behavior, we should all take responsibility for ourselves – and ourselves only. We don’t need to stir up drama in order to feel important…and it really is that simple


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

مشروب الفياجرا سهل التصنيع في المنزل وبتأثير افضل من المنشطات الجنسيه

يعاني الكثير من الرجال من القصور الجنسي او الضعف الجنسي او سرعه القذف ، وتلك المشاكل التي يصادفها الرجال تسبب له الشعور بالضعف وعدم الراحه ، وناهيك عن تأثيرها على حياه الزوجين في البيت ، ولذلك يلجأ الكثير منهم لاستخدام حبوب المقويات او المعروفة باسم الفياجرا وطبعا اغلبها مكلفه الثمن والكثير منها يسبب الصداع وعلى الرغم من ذلك تستعمل وبكثرة ، الكثير من الناس لا يعلم او لم يسمع انه بإمكانك تصنيع الفياجرا في المنزل من مجرد مكونين فقط ولست مضطر الى اخفاء هذا العلاج عن اهل البيت وليس غالي الثمن . 

مكونات مشروب الفياجرا : 
البطيخ والجزء الابيض من قشره البطيخ لاحتوائها على ماده سيلدنيافيل وهي الماده الاساسية في حبوب الفياجرا او المنشطات الذكورية . 
عصير الليمون وذلك لاحتوائه على فيتامين c  والمعادن التي تساعد على تحفيز الجسم وإمداده بالطاقه . 

طريقه التحضير مشروب الفياجرا : 
بطيخة واحده ، اعصرها واقطع الجزء الابيض وقم بطحنه ليصبح كالمسحوق ثم أضفه الى عصير البطيخ ، قم بغلي عصير البطيخ ومن ثم أضف نصف كوب من عصير الليمون ، وبعد ذلك اتركه يغلي لمده ١٠ دقائق ليكون الكميه اصبحت النصف . اترك المشروب حتى يبرد وبعد ذلك ضعه في الثلاجه ولا تضف اليه اي شي من المحليات او السكر . 

طريقه الاستعمال : 
يمكن للرجال والنساء شرب مشروب الفياجرا لانه يساعد على تنشيط الرغبه لدى الرجال والنساء ، يستخدم مرتين باليوم صباحا ومساء لمده ٥ ايام وانظر الفرق . 

هل اتعبكم الأرق وقله النوم ولا تستطيع شراء المنومات إليكم الحل ومنالمنزل


   الأرق وقلة النوم هي من اعظم مشكلات العصر وكل ذلك بسبب تطور الحياة والأجهزة الالكترونية التي دخلت الى غرف النوم ، ولذلك لابد من إيجاد الحل من داخل المنزل بطريقه سهلة وعدم التوجه الى الأدوية المنومه . 

اثبت دراسه علميه ان الموز والقرفة تساعد على الدخول في النوم وذلك لاحتوائها على المعادن التي تسهم في استرخاء الجسد . ولذلك هي افضل من ال أدويه المنومه فالادويه المنومه الكثير منها لا يدخلك في النوم بل يعمل على استمرارك بالنوم وكأنك جهاز إلكتروني إطفئ ناهيك ايضا عن أضراره ، لذلك سوف اقدم لكم وصفة منزلية تدخلك بالنوم من غير أضرار . 

  مشروب الموز والقرفة : 
قم بغلي كوب ماء  ، ثم  أضف معلقه صغيره من مسحوق القرفة ، قم بتقطيع الموز الى قطع صغيره ، ثم أضفها الى الماء المغلي ، قم بغطاء الكوب واتركه لمده ١٥ دقيقه ،  وقبل النوم بنصف ساعه قم بشرب مشروب الموز والقرفة ، واتمنى لكم نوم هنيء .